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  • I always needed time on my own I never thought I'd need you there when I cried The days feel like years when I'm alone and the bed where you lie is made up on your side When you walk away I count the steps that you take Do you see how much I need you righ...

  • 文/越陌度阡 QQ:2359270264The so-called past much time In the romantic things, just the mist which exist in where in front of a cloud. As long as it is alive, all know! Life which really have so much can be natural and unrestrained, romantic?Young people always...

  • Youth 青春YouthYouth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of li...

  • Three Days to SeeAll of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as 24 hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed he...

  • Companionship of BooksA man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.A good boo...

  • 我只知道一件事,那就是我一无所知I only know one thing, that is I know nothing 我们都是猎物,都在同一起跑线上为自己着想We are all prey, all on the same starting line for number one每个人都有骄傲的权力,只是你忘了你的权力与节制Everyone has a p...

  • My way,My fateHesitated,In order to make the paper great.Consequently,much time was wasted,And many mistakes were made.Although it was easy and what I’m interested in,Instead of the one I hate,It was too late to consummate.At the moment ofWalking ou...

  • 原文    Yousaythatyouloverain,    butyouopenyourumbrellawhenitrains...    Yousaythatyoulovethesun,    butyoufindashadowspotwhenthesunshines...    Yousaythatyoulovethewind,    Butyoucloseyourwindowswhenwindblows...    ThisiswhyIamafraid;...

  • 忘年恋曲调


    Cold here, icy cold there. You belong to neither, leaves have withered. Your face is pale and blue, a tearful smile. Something in your eyes, whispers words of last good-bye. My heart sinks down, tears surge out.天下冰冷,万树凋零,非是冬至,因无君故。恍惚间,似君至,君...

  • "The wind blows the rain into the flowerTime to catch up with the white horseIn the palm of your littleStill clenched"Bai XuesiLight arrowErase our youthSpring thunder BangDrizzleBring infinite vitalityWinter to springCountless days and nightsTa...

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