《摩诃婆罗多》是一部由剧情 / 战争执导,印度主演的一部1988类型的电影,特精心从网络上整理的一些观众的观后感,希望对大家能有帮助。 《摩诃婆罗多》精选点评: ●喜欢这版的黑天,我家大公主无论什么版本全世界第一萌。 ●建议先看原著。在b站看,请关闭弹幕。 ●虽然年代久远,但是确实是一部波澜壮阔的史诗 ●挚爱,评论回头写 ●看 ●优酷有中字版 ●真·神剧 ●开篇语吸引人 12 《摩诃婆罗多》观后感(一):1 国王遇见恒河女神并追求,女神同意与国王结合的前提是国王不能问也不能干涉女神的任何决定。接下来的日子里,女神将每次生下的孩子沉入恒河,国王在信守诺言和自己孩子的生命之间挣扎。 典型的工业文明之前的叙事逻辑,每种文明自身特点的传说和无法理解的结构。 以当下价值观似乎在说关于神权与世俗势力之间的斗争,或者带有母系社会末期的某些现实的介入传说。但如果剥离现象,是否在表达人类为了满足精神或者肉体欲望而作出的许诺的神圣性的不可违背在面对现实时的荒谬却又客观的存在恰恰是人类往往不能知行合一的悖论前提呢?又或者这是人类社会发展的过渡阶段某种带有哲学思考的世俗化史诗的表现? 一旦放弃当代价值观来看这个故事,就发现这样的叙事逻辑中,有好多好多疑问。强读是无效的甚至是粗暴的,或者愚蠢的。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzEwNDI1NTM2.html 《摩诃婆罗多》观后感(二):"史诗中的史诗”----<<摩诃婆罗多>>(Mahabharata) 《摩诃婆罗多》形成于公元前5或前4世纪,内容复杂,包罗万象,印度古代史诗和往世书中重要的传说故事几乎都出现或被提到。《摩诃婆罗多》整部史诗不是单纯的文学作品,内容包含了宗教、哲学、政治、文学、社会、风俗等各方面,所涉及的范围非常丰富广泛,被誉为印度古代社会的百科全书。大史诗交织穿插着大量的古代神话、历史传说和优秀插话,还包括甚至地理和宇宙结构学的详细论述。史诗中有五彩缤纷的神奇世界的描绘,也不乏古代印度现实的真实纪录。从中能读到众多天神、国王、修道仙人的古老传闻,和对万物起源来历的朴素的解释;欣赏到美妙的诗意、印度古老的习俗,和绮丽的大自然风光;听到战场上马嘶和刀剑的铿锵之声;了解到印度教的教规和法典;学习到许多生活的真理和人生的意义;正如印度学者所说:《摩诃婆罗多》是无数的知识河流汇集而成的浩瀚海洋,是一个辽阔大国的总汇,是一部天书,也是往世书,神话传说、历史,还是史诗、宗教经典,“是印度光辉灿烂的文化知识传说中,唯一不朽的纪念碑”。印度不朽的圣典《薄伽梵歌》(BhagaVad Gita)(在印度薄伽梵,意为世尊),就是这部史诗中自成系统的著作,是在大战时至上的意识化身(Krishna,克利修纳, 黑天)对般度族的主将阿周那(Arjuna) 的一篇长训话。《薄伽梵歌》是对吠陀有神论和奥义书绝对精神论的综合发展,其中蕴含有许多超越宗教信仰的宇宙和人生哲理,它在近代和现代依然对印度社会思想产生深刻影响。印度圣雄甘地也曾利用《薄伽梵歌》阐述自己的政治和哲学思想。在现代印度,《薄伽梵歌》几乎每年都有新的译本和注本问世,成了一部最流行的宗教哲学经典。 《摩诃婆多罗》故事中心内容是描写婆罗多族的两支后裔,恒河上游象城的俱卢族和因陀罗普罗斯泰的般度族兄弟之间争夺王国统治权的斗争。它既是英雄史诗,又囊括了人生「四大目的」即「正法和利益,爱欲和解脱」的全部内容。这部大史诗主要是描述婆罗多族的般度族和俱卢族双方在俱卢大战场大战十八天的前因后果,以及每个重要人物的活动的故事里,包括许多神话传说,在书中人物的谈话中又往往叙述许多故事,因此书中充满了与史诗故事情节有关或无关的插话。《摩诃婆罗多》并不是纯粹的史诗,实际上包括三种内容:史诗故事;插话;关于法制、风俗和道德规范的诗体论述。插话可以独立成篇。它的史诗故事和著名插话在印度成为各类文学艺术创作汲取素材的一个重要来源。《摩诃婆罗多》的诗里,有一些章节描述得栩栩如生,似乎是亲眼所见。在印度一年一度的庙会上,艺人们都要分段朗诵它,听众常常会被感动得流下眼泪。这部大史诗是用对话体写成,仿佛是可以表演和对唱的戏剧。全诗由一个『歌人』背诵出来。这据说是他在一次大会上听来的长篇史诗,本来是毗耶娑命令手下的徒弟唱的。除开头部分仿佛是序言和内容提要以外,中间的叙事部分都是用原来唱者的口气加以叙述,在他的叙述中,对话的人物又叙述另外的事和人,又套进另外的对话。这样一层套一层的格局对于安插不同的内容极为方便。这种形式很可能是原来由一个或几个行吟的人在节日的各种集会上吟唱时所用。全诗除标明人物的道白和个别散文章节以外,都是诗体。这部内容复杂的巨著,在印度历来不是把它作为俗书,而是作为圣典。 《摩诃婆罗多》观后感(三):《博伽梵歌》节选 我是水的甘甜,日月之光...空中之声,人之勇气...我是大地泥土的芬芳,我是火焰的光热...(我是)苦行者的苦行...我是智者的智慧,辉煌者的光辉,我是坚强者的力量...我是众生合法的欲望。一切善性、忧性和暗性...都源自我... 我是祭祀行动,我是祭祀,我是祭祀供物,我是药草,我是颂诗,我是酥油,我是祭火,我是祭品。我是世界父亲、母亲和祖父,维持者、可知者和净化者...我是梨俱、娑摩和夜柔。我是归宿、支持者和主人,目睹者、居处、庇护和朋友,生成、毁灭、基地和安息地,我是永恒不灭的种子。我发出光热,我下雨,我摄取又释放;既是不朽,又是死亡,既存在,又不存在。 ...我是一切的本源,一切因我而流转... 我是居于一切众生心中的自我,阿周那啊!我是一切众生的开始、中间和结束。我是阿提迭中的毗湿奴,我是光明中辉煌的太阳,我是摩录多中的摩利支,我是星宿中的月亮。我是吠陀中的《娑摩吠陀》,我是天神中的婆薮之主,我是感官中的心,我是众生中的意识。我是楼陀罗中的商迦罗,我是药叉、罗刹中的财神,我是婆薮中的火神,我是山峰中的弥卢山。你要知道,阿周那啊!我是祭司中的魁首祭主,我是统帅中的室建陀,我是湖泊中的大海。我是大仙中的波力固,我是语言中的单音节“唵”,我是祭祀中的默祷,我是高山中的喜马拉雅山。我是一切树中的菩提树,我是神仙中的那罗陀,我是健达缚中的奇车,我是悉陀中的牟尼迦比罗。...我是马匹中出自甘露的高耳马,我是象王中的爱罗婆多,我是人中的国王。我是武器中的闪电,我是牛中的如意牛,我是生殖者中的爱神,我是蛇中的婆苏吉...我是水族中的伐楼拿,我是祖先中的阿尔耶摩,我是控制者中的阎摩。我是提迭中的波罗诃罗陀,我是司命中的时神,我是兽中的兽王,我是鸟中的金翅鸟。我是净化者中的风,我是武士中的罗摩,我是鱼中的鳄鱼,我是河流中的恒河。 我是一切创造中的开始、中间和结束,我是学问中的自我学,我是说话中的论辩。我是字母中的“呃”,我是离合释中的相违释,我是不灭的时间,我是面向一切的创立者。我是吞噬一切的死神,我是未来的起源,我是阴性名词中的名誉、吉祥、言语、记忆、聪慧、坚定和耐心。我是曲调中的大调,我是诗律中的伽耶特利,我是月份中的九月,我是季节中开花的春天。我是欺诈中的赌博,我是发光体中的光,我是胜利,我是努力,我是善人中的善。我是雅度族中的奎师那,我是般度族中的阿周那,我是牟尼中的维亚萨,我是诗人中的诗人乌珊那。我是惩罚中的刑杖,我是求胜者的策略,我是秘密中的缄默,我是智者的智慧。我也是,阿周那啊!一切众生的种子,无论动物和不动物,没有我,都不存在。 我的神圣显现无穷无尽,阿周那啊!以上我只是简略地说明我的显现。你要知道,一切庄严、吉祥、富裕、美丽、灿烂的创造,都源于我辉煌的一闪。 《摩诃婆罗多》观后感(四):88版摩诃分集剧情 Episode 1: King Bharat sows the seed of democratic thinking by appointing a commoner as his successor. Many generations later, King Shantanu risks the tradition when he marries Ganga and promising never to question her for anything she does. Episode 2: Bound by his promise, Shantanu does not question Ganga as she sacrifices seven sons. When he protests at the birth of their eighth son, Ganga leaves him. Years later the son is returned, trained and educated as Prince Devarata. Episode 3: Devarata is crowned as Yuvraj, heir apparent. But, to enable the marriage of his father to a village girl, Devarata renounces his rights to the throne and also vows never to marry. Gods shower blessings and Devrata is renamed as Bhishma. Episode 4: Bhishma (Devarata) defends his sacrifice and carries out his duties to look after all the affairs of the State. King Shantanu dies in grief and guilt towards Bhishma. Episode 5: Shantanu’s son Vichitraviya ascends the throne. Bhishma arranges the marriage of Ambika and Ambalika, the daughters of a neighboring king, to King Vichitravirya. However, Vichitraviya dies young and without any offspring. Episode 6: Threatened with extinction, Queen mother Satyavati, calls on Ambalika and Ambika to marry Vyasa. Ambalika gives birth the Dhritarastra who is born blind. Ambika gives birth to Pandu who is born anemic and weak. Bhishma is forced to look after this generation too. Episode 7: Dhritarastra and Pandu are married to Gandhari and Kunti. As Dhritrashtra was blind, Gandhari binds up her eyes with a piece of silk, refusing to see the world. Kunti was the daughter of the King of Yadavas and thus the sister of Vasudeva, father of Lord Krishna. Episode 8: Pandu establishes the supremacy of the Kuru House. During his campaigns he takes another wife, Madri. After the campaigns, Pandu goes to the forest for relaxation with his two queens Kunti and Madri. Episode 9: While hunting, Pandu accidentally kills a Sage. To do penance Pandu decides to spend his life in exile and entrusts his Kingdom to Dhritarastra. In time five children - Yudhishtra, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadeva, are born to Kunti and Madri. Dhritarastra had a hundred sons from Gandhari, the eldest being Duryodhana. Episode 10: In Mathura, King Kans dethrones his father and takes over the Kingdom. He arranges his sister Devki’s marriage with his influential friend Vasudev. But when a Sage predicts that her eighth son will be responsible for Kans’ death, he imprisons Devki and Vasudev. Episode 11: Kans personally kills Devki’s first six children born in the prison. Devki’s seventh "pregnancy" is taken over by Vasudev’s second wife who gives birth to Balram. And when the eighth child, Krishna is born, miraculously the prison doors open and Vasudev is able to smuggle out the child and leave him in Gokul with his friend Nand. Episode 12: Unusual celebrations in Gokul make Kans auspicious that Devki’s eighth child must be there. Pootna is sent there as a toy seller to kill all the children born in Gokul. When she tries to kill Krishna, she herself is killed. Meanwhile all the people of Gokul, including Krishna’s foster parents, shift to Nandgaon. Episode 13: Childhood of Shri Krishna, the Supreme Being, and Narayan. While Yashoda happily reared Shri Krishna in Nandgaon his real mother Devki, and his father Vasudev spent days inside the prison in Mathura. Krishna regaled the entire Nandgaon with his divine sports. Episode 14: Krishna’s divine sports make him the darling of his friends. To everyone’s amazement he killed Kalia the Serpent King who lived in the river Yamuna, while retrieving the ball of his friend Sridham from the bottom of the river. Episode 15: Krishna grows up to an 11-year-old boy. Now he has given up stealing butter; instead he steals the hearts of the young "Gopinis". Radha is one such "Gopini" who has lost her heart to him. Two songs illustrate this beautiful relationship. Also, Krishna encourages the habitants of Nandgaon to stop sending butter, as a levy, to Kans, the ruler of Mathura. Kans feels slighted that someone has defied him. Episode 16: Kans tries to subdue Krishna. He commands two demons to destroy Nandgaon. However, Krishna and Balram, annihilate the evil demons. The episode also covers two major portions of divine sports - one, saving of Nandgaon by lifting the Goverdhan Mountain and the other, "Maharass" in which Shri Krishna creates the illusion among the dancing Gopis, each one of whom thinks that he is dancing with her and her alone. Meanwhile, Kans tricks Vasudev’s friend Akrur into inviting to Mathura with the intention of killing him. Episode 17: Krishna departs from Nandgaon for Mathura. The residents of Mathura have heard of his divine sports and they pay obeisance to him as an "Avatar" (incarnation of God). Eventually Krishna faces his uncle, Kans. The cruel ruler had planned to slay Krishna but he meets his own death at the hands of Shri Krishna. Before killing him, Krishna reveals to him his ’Viraat Roop’ (Deity Incarnate in its full form). Episode 18: Shri Krishna releases King Ugrasen and his parents Devki and Vasudev who had been imprisoned by Kans. People of Mathura rejoice and celebrate the coronation of King Ugrasen. Krishna goes to Sandeepani Gurukul for his education. In Nandgaon, Yashoda is upset learn that Shri Krishna had stayed back in Mathura and probably would never return. The Pandava children, Yudhishtra, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev grow up and receive their education in the Forrest. Pandu dies in the forest and Kunti returns to Hastinapur with her children. Episode 19: Vyas takes Satyavati, Ambika and Ambalika to Tapovan (forest). Before leaving, Satyavati tells Dhritarashtra to look after the Pandava children. The Kaurava and the Pandava children grow up together. They are educated under Kripacharya. Shakuni instigates Duryodhan against the Pandavas and rivalry develops between the Kauravas and Pandavas. Episode 20: Adirath is released from the duties as blind-King Dhritarashtra’s assistant. Sanjay takes over from Adirath as Dhritarashtra’s assistant. Rivalry between Duryodhan and Bheem develops. Duryodhan plots to poison Bheem. After poisoning Bheem he throws him out in River Ganga. Bheem survives the attempt to kill him and he is returned safely to Kunti and his brothers. Episode 21: Kunti forbids Bheem from saying anything about Duryodhan’s attempt to kill him. Vidur suspects something is behind Bheem’s silence. He goes to see Bheeshma to discuss his concerns. Bheeshma is worried about the development, but is helpless as he had vowed to protect the throne of Hastinapur and he cannot take sides. Duryodhan and Shakuni continue to plot against Bheem. Dhritarashtra is concerned about the development in Hastinapur but Gandhari is a sobering influence on him. Meanwhile, in Mathura at the Sandespani Gurukul Shri Krishna and Sudama become bosom friends. Also, in the episode Dronacharya (Drona) is introduced as one of the teachers of Kuru princes. Episode 22: Dronacharya trains the Kaurva princes in the art of archery and other military skills. Arjun gets poised by his teachers, Duryodhan is often advised to control his arrogance. Shakuni rebukes his sister Gandhari for not seeing through all the plots of the Pandavas. Episode 23: Drona trains the Kuru princes in the art of ’Gada Yudh’ (Mace fighting). Bheem and Duryodhan specialize in it and exhibit their skills. Drona is specially delighted by Arjun’s prowess and he loves him even more than his own son, Ashwathama. Drona informs Bheeshma that the education of Kuru princes is complete. They agree to hold a tournament to test the war-skills of the princes. Episode 24: A special stadium is built to exhibit the feats of the Kuru princes in front of spectators. Members of the royal household are invited. Dressed in pure white, lending dignity and grace to his personality, Drona enters the stadium. His son Ashwathama accompanies him. The Kuru princes enter one by one in the arena, led by Yudhushtra - the eldest prince. The princes perform amazing feats with their bows, arrows, swords and javelins. There follows fight with maces between Duryodhan and Bheem. Drona asks Ashwathama to bring the duel to a close, when it gets too spirited. He then asks Arjun to perform his feats. A deafening cheer welcomes Arjun to the stage, and the blind King Dhritrashtra Episode 25: The education of the Kuru princes is over. Drono continues to advise the Kaurava and the Pandava princes. The pandavas do well and this makes Dhritarashtra unhappy. Shri Krishna and Balram finish their education of Sandeepani Gurukul and plan to return to Mathura. Pursuram arrives at the Gurukul and gives Shri Krishna his Sudarshan Chakra. He asks Shri Krishna to lay the foundation of a New Yuga (New Era). Episode 26: After finishing his education of Sandeepani Gurukul Shri Krishna returns to Mathura. Krishna advises Ugrasen, the King of Mathura, to shift his capital from Mathura to Dwarka. The Heir Apparent to the throne of Hastinapur is to be chosen and Duryodhan is staking his claim while Drona, Vidur and the people of Hastinapur favor Yudhishthir. Bheeshma remains silent as he is bound by his vow to serve the throne which is with Dhritarashtra. Episode 27: The court meets to name the Heir Apparent to the throne of Hastinapur. Dhritarashtra is compelled to appoint Yudhisthir because of his superior intellect. Jarasandh, the King of Magadha, arrives in Vidharbha to meet King Bheeshmak. Jarasandh asks Bheeshmak to invite Shishupal, the Chedi King, to marry his daughter Rukmani and make Shishupal his ally. Rukmani, however, has lost her heart to Shri Krishna so she writes him a letter to take her away. Episode 28: Shri Krishna has received a letter from Rukmani asking him to take her away from Vidarbha before she is married to Shishupal. Krishna goes to Vidarbha where he defeats Bheeshmak and Shishupal and takes Rukmani away. In Hastinapur Dhritarashtra is worried about his throne. Yudhishthir has been made Heir Apparent (Yuvaraj) and due to his popularity the people want him to become their king as soon as possible. Meanwhile Duryodhan and Shakuni plot against Yudhishthir. They would like him to die before he becomes the King. Shakuni invents a plan to send Yudhishthir and his brothers to Vamavat where they would be burnt alive in a house of wax. Episode 29: Duryodhan asks Dhritrashtra to send the Pandav brothers to Varnavat to attend a festival. He threatens to commit suicide if Pandav brothers are not sent to Varnavat. Dhritarashtra is worried about the growing conflict between Yudhishthir and Duryodhan. He consults Vidur and is advised to send Yudhishthir and Duryodhan to Varnavat to represent Hastinapur in the festival. Episode 30: Kunti takes Yudhishthir to Gandhari to seek her blessings before leaving for Varnavat. Gandhari is happy to learn that Yudhisthir will stay in the beautiful palace built by her son Duryodhan. She is unaware that the palace is meant to kill Yudhishthir. The Pandav brothers are suspicious of Duryodhan’s eagerness to send Yudhishthir to Varnavat; so they accompany him to Varnavat. Kunti also decides to go with them. Vidur learns that Duryodhan’s spies had been collecting wax, oil and other flammable materials in the recent past. Vidur warns Yudhishthir in words that are intelligible only to him. Yudhishthir understands Duryodhan’s hideous plan and the means to escape. Episode 31: Only three days are left for the house of wax to go up in flames and for Kunti and her five sons to burn to death. Vidur informs Pandas of the evil plan and sends them a miner who helps them dig a tunnel to escape. The charred corpses of a woman and her five sons mistakenly give credence to the news that the Pandavas were burnt alive. The Kauravas shed false tears for the "dead" Pandavs. Episode 32: After escaping from the tragedy, the Pandavas arrive in a forest and rest. Bheem and Arjun want to confront the Kauravas, but Kunti and Yudhishthir decide against it. Bheeshma goes to the river Ganga to perform the last rites of the Pandavas. Vidur then informs him that the Pandavas are alive and to keep the secret to himself. Episode 33: The Pandavas stay in the city of Ekchakra in the guise of Brahmins. Kunti and Bheem learn of a cruel and terribly strong rakshasa named Bakasur who was harassing the people. Bheem sets out to eliminate this rakshasa. A great fight ensues and Bheem kills him. Not wanting to be recognized by the citizens of Ekchakra, the Pandavas leave the Brahmin’s house unnoticed and proceed on their journey, waiting for better days to come. Episode 34: The Pandavas journey through the forest and learn about Draupadi the daughter of King Drupad. At Droupadi’s royal wedding ceremony many warrior princes were invited to attend. The candidate for the hand of the princess was required to string a mighty steel bow and shoot a steel arrow. Many noted princes rise and try in vain to string the bow. Then a youth arises from among the group of Brahmins and advances towards the bow. It is Arjun in the guise of a Brahmin. On Shri Krishna recognizes him. Arjun easily lifts the bow and strings it. Episode 35: Without pause or hesitation Arjun shoots his arrow into the target. He wins Draupadi’s hand in marriage. The princes are loud with anger. "How can a Brahmin marry a princess?" they demand. A fight seems imminent. Shri Krishna seeks to appease the princes and Arjun and Bheem protect Draupadi. At long lost they take Draupadi to their temporary abode. Kunti unknowingly asks the five Pandava brothers to share their bride prize. Also, Shri Krishna meets his aunt Kunti and his cousins. Meanwhile Dhrishtadyumna, who had followed them, reports back and reveals the true identities of Pandava brothers. Episode 36: Duryodhan and Shakuni are furious when they learn that the Pandava brothers are alive and that King Dhritrashtra has sent Vidur to call them back to Hastinapur. Karna, as usual, is ready to fight them, but Shakuni realizes that with King Drupad and Krishna on the side of the Pandavas it would be difficult to defeat them. Dhritrashtra consoles Duryodhan and assures him that his rights as the Heir Apparent to the throne of Hastinapur will be fully protected. In Kampilya, King Drupad and Shri Krishna advise Yudhishthir to fight for his right to the throne of Hastinapur. Just then Vidur arrives and tells the Pandava brothers that they have been invited back to Hastinapur along with their bride. Episode 37: The Pandavs and Draupadi return to Hastinapur. Dhritrashtra conceals his disappointment and orders everyone to welcome them. Determined to establish peace between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, Bheeshma suggests giving half the Kingdom to Yudhishthir. Dhritrashtra agrees to this suggestion. Krishna and Balram, also give their consent and it is decided that Yudhisthira’s coronation as King of Khandavprastha be held in Hastinapur. Episode 38: The decision to partition the Kingdom of Hastinapur between the Kauravas and Padavas is not liked by the Pandavas, but Krishna consoles them and tells them that Khandavprastha is their Karambhoomi (field of action). Gandhari fees that a partition of acountry can bever be a solution to the rivalry. Bheeshma fees that there are no other options. Episode 49: Yudhishthir is coronated with great celebration. Dhritarashtra bids Yudhishthir farewell with these words, "My brother Pandu made this Kingom prosperous. May you prove a worthy heir to his renown! May you conquer the entire world! May you perform the Rajsuya Yagna and may you live long and rule as a just King as your forfathers did before you!" Ydhishthir knew that the land he was to rule was a barren wasteland, but he agreed to accept this injustice because he wanted peace. The Pandavas reach Khandavprastha, and with the help of Krishna and Balram, they renovate the ruined city. They plough the land and rename it Indraprastha. Episode 40: The Pandavas were happy in Indraprastha. To avoid rivalry amongst themselves, they had come to a decision to have Draupadi divide her time equally between the five brothers. When she was alone with one of them and if any other should intrude on their privacy, he must go on a pilgrimage to do penance. Once while helping a Brahmin, Arjun had to violate the rule and had to go on a pilgrimage. Arjun visited Naglok and Molur, and there he married Ullipi and Chitrangada. He then moved towards Dwarika. Duryodhan asked Balram for his sister Subhadra’s hand in marriage and Balram promised to plead his case with his parents. Meanwhile, Arjun reached Dwarika and he fell in love with Subhadra. And, Subhadra recprocated his love. Before any decision could be made, Krishna helped Arjun to elope with Subhadra. Balram was furios and wanted to send his aremy to capture Arjun, but Krishna convinced him that Subhadra had gone with Arjun on her own accord. Episode 41: Arjun and Subhadra arrive in Dwarika and are formally married. Arjun later returns to Indraprastha with Subhadra. Draupadi welcomes Subhadra. Yudhishthir seeks Sri Krishna’s advice on performing the Rajsuya Yagna. Krishna approves but explains that Jarasandh, who had imprisoned 86 Kings, would be a constant challenge to Yudhishthir’s Royal Supremacy. Arjun, Bheem and Sri Krishna eventually go to Magadh and challenge Jarasandh for a combat. Jarasandh chooses to fight with Bheem. Episode 42: Bheem and Jarasandh were so equally matched in strength that they fought for nearly fourteen days without rest. When Jarasandh finally showed signs of exhaustion, Krishna prompted Bheem to make an end of him. After Jarasandh had been destroyed, Jarasandh’s son was crowned King of Magadh. Episode 43: Yudhishthir decides to perform the Rajsuya Yagna. The first honor is rendered to Sri Krishna. Shishupal, the King of Chedi, asks, "When there are so many kings gathered in this assembly, why should the first honor be paid to Krishna - a cowherd boy and the son of a servant of Ugrasena?" Krishna warns Shishupal but Shishupal does not pay any heed so Sri Krishnakills him. The Rajsuya Yagna is celebrated and Yudhishthir is recognized as an Emperor. Episode 44: Duryodhan is unhappy about the prosperity of the Pandavs, Shakuni consoles him and later loses in a game of dice to Yudishthir. Duryodhan walks around Yudhishthir’s ’Maya Mahal" and falls into one of the pools. Draupadi calls him the "blind son of a blind father." Duryodhan, Kama and Shakuni plan to avenge Draupadi for her taunting remarks. Shakuni suggests that Yudhishthir be invited to Hastinapur for a game of dice. Episode 45: Dhritarashtra orders Vidur to go to Indraprastha and to invite Yudhishthir to Hastinapur to play dice with Duryodhan. The Pandavs arrive in Hastinapur and pay their respects to the King. Dhritarashtra announces that the game will be played in the special assmbly hall. Episode 46: Duryodhan suggests that Shakuni cast the dice for him. Yudhishthir loses his entire Kingdom, his brothers, himself and Draupadi. Duryodhan insists that Draupadi be fetched to the assembly hall and orders Prathkami to bring her. Draupadi replies angrily, "Ask him who played the game of dice with Duryodhan, whether he first lost himself or his wife? Bring me his answer and then you can take me away!" Episode 47: Enraged, Duryodhan asks his brother Dushasan to bring Draupadi to the assembly hall. Dushasan drags Draupadi to the hall and tries to disrobe her but a miracle occurs. Bheem swears to avenge the wrong doing, while Draupadi rises to curse the Kauravs. Gandhari pleads with Draupadi to stop. Episode 48: Gandhari warns Dhritarashtra that the attempt to disrobe Draupadi would cause the destruction of his lineage. Dhritarashtra gives everything back to the Pandavs. Arjun swears that the Pandavs want the dead bodies of Duryodhan, Dushasan and Shakuni to avenge the injury. Bheeshma says, "Don’t forget Yudhishthir’s role. Isn’t he responsible for what has happened as well?" and adds, "Go back to Indraprastha and ponder over the incident with a cool head." Episode 49: Duryodhan threatens to wage war against the Pandavs. When Dhritrashtra forbids him from war, Duryodhan secures Dhritrashtra’s approval to entice Yudhishthir to another game of dice. Yudhishthir accepts the challenge but is once again defeated. The Pandavs are to spend the next 12 years in exile and the 13th year incognito. Episode 50: The departure of the Pandavs upsets Bheeshma, Vidur, Drona and the other elders of the Royal House of Kurus. Vidur advises Dhritrashtra to summon them back. Dhritrashtra rebukes Vidur, so Vidur leaves. After spending thirteen days in the forest, Bheem, Arjun, Nakul and Sahadev are ready to wage a war against Hastinapur. Yudhishthir refuses to wage war and decides to spend the full thirteen years in exile as his punishment for being reckless in gambling. Episode 51: Rishi Vyas rebukes Dhritarashtra for exiling the Pandavas. He predicts the extinction of the Kauravs after 14 years due to Duryodhan’s missdeeds. Duryodhan and his men leave for Dwaitavan to witness the distress of the Pandavs. Duryodhan tries to flirt with a Gandharv girl and is capture by the enraged Gandharvs. Duryodhan’s bodyguard approaches the Pandavs for help and Bheem and Arjun unwillingly rescue their cousin. Episode 52: After hearing about the Pandav’s exile, Krishna goes to visit them. He advises the Pandavs to prepare for war and tells Arjun to do penance to obtain divine weapons. Arjun does penance and eventually pleases Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva bestows him with the divine Pasupata weapon and advises him to obtain other weapons in Indralok. Rishi Duruvasa visits Hastinapur. In an attempt to humiliate the Pandavs, Duryodhan requests that the sage visit tha Pandavs as well. Rishi Duruvasa promises to do so. Episode 53: Rishi Duruvasa and his followers arrive in the forst to visit the Pandavs. He requests food for himself and his followers and Draupadi is worried for her cooking vessel is empty. Draupadi prays Krishna, the Soul of the Universe, sees one grain of rice in the vessel, and eats it with pleasure. Durvasa and his followers immediately feel their hunger has been satisfied. In Indralok, Lord Indra advises Arjun to learn dance and music from Chitrasen to help him during his 13th year when incognito. Arjun continues to obtain divine weapons and Apsara Urvashi falls in love with him. When Arjun does not respond to her love, Apsara Urvashi curses him with impotence. Episode 54: In Indralok, Lord Indra limits Urvashi’s curse on Arjun to one year during which he becomes an eunuch. In Dwaraka, Sri Krishna trains his nephew Abhimanyu in the martial arts. In Hastinapur, Bheeshma, Drona and Vidur worry about the future of their Kingdom, while Duryodhan’s stepbrother, Yuyutsu, forsees the destruction of the Kurus. Arjun returns from Indralok armed with divine weapons. He accompanies Bheem while they rescue Draupadi from Jayadrath, Duryodhan’s brother-in-law. Episode 55: Jayadrath, Duryodhan’s brother-in-law, does penance for kidnapping Draupadi and is rewarded by Lord Shiva. In the forest, the Pandavas plan their 13th year of exile to live incognito and to work in another kingdom. Nakul tries to fetch water from a lake but is told not to use the water by an invisible voice. He ignores the warning, drinks the water and falls down dead. His brothers meet the same fate except for Yudhishthir answers correctly. The Yaksha reveals himself as Lord Yama and grants back the lives of all the dead brothers. Episode 56: The Pandavas live incognito and serve King Virat. Yudhishthir becomes a courtier named Kanak. Bheem becomes a cook. Nakul and Sahadev look after cattle and horses. Arjun becomes a eunuch named Brihannala and Draupadi becomes Sairandhri, the handmaiden to Queen Sudeshna of Virat. Episode 57: Karna has assumed the guise of a brahmin and has come a disciple of Parushram. Parshuram observes Karna’s resistance to pain and realizes that he is a Kshatriya. In anger, he curses Karna. In Virat, Queen Sudeshna’s brother Keechak professes his love for Draupadi. Episode 58: Keechak is mad with lust for Draupadi. Draupadi runs to the Virat court, where Keechak angrily kicks her in the presence of Yudhishthir and Bheem. Draupadi reports the matter to Queen Sudeshna and asks Bheem for protection and revenge. Bheem kills Keechak. Episode 59: The news of Keechak’s death reaches Duryodhan. He suspects that Bheem is responsible and decides to invade Virat. King Susarma of Trigarta also invades Virat. He captures Virat, but Bheem attacks and Virat emerges victorious. Duryodhan then attacks from another front. Prince Uttar tries to retreat after seeing the Kaurav army but Brihannala (Arjun) stops him. Brihannal reveals his weapons and his identity, then blows his conch. Episode 60: Duryodhan and Karna advance into battle. Arjun attacks the Kaurav army and the Kaurav warriors fall unconscious due to his magical weapons. News arrives from the battlefield and King Virat Virat boasts about the glory of his son Uttar. Kanak (Yudhishthir) praises Brihannala and the king flings his dice at Yudhishtir’s face. Prince Uttar arrives and is distressed after seeing Yudhishthir’s bleeding face. King Virat eventually learns about the true identity of the Pandavas. Episode 61: After the wedding of Abhimanyu and Uttara, Krishna, the Pandavas, Virat and others meet in Virat’s assembly. They decide to send an emissary to Hastinapur to seek the restoration of Indraprastha. The emissary arrives in Hastinapur. Bheeshma and Vidur favor a peaceful settlement but Duryodhan disagrees. Duryodhan insists that the Pandavas spend 12 more years in exile. Episode 62: Vidur advises Dhritrashtra to return Indraprastha to the Pandavas. Gandhari also asks her husband to act justly, but Dhritrashtra refuses to accept their advice. He sends his charioteer Sanjay with a message to Yudhishthir, telling the Pandavs they should spend 12 more years in exile, since Duryodhan had exposed them during their incognito life. The Pandavas and their allies are upset after hearing the message. They send Sanjay back to Hastinapur with the message that they are ready for peace as well as war. Episode 63: In Hastinapur, everyone is nervous when Sanjay returns from meeting with Yudhishthir and his allies. Sanjay says, "Duryodhan should know that Arjun said, ’If Indraprastha is not given back to us, we will uproot the Kauravas.’" Duryodhan remains adamant about going to war. Shakuni advises Duryodhan to seek Krishna’s help. Arjun also wishes to seek Krishna’s help and visits Krishna at the same time as Duryodhan. Krishna tells them, he is obliged to assist both of them. Episode 64: A war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas looks inevitable but Krishna makes a last attempt for peace. Krishna arrives in Hastinapur and is flooded with valuable presents. He pays his respects to Dhritrashtra and says, "Maharaj, in return I can only offer peace!" "We will talk after you have rested," says Dhritrashtra. He tells Dushasan to take Krishna to the guestrooms, but Krishna refuses the offer and tells Dhritrashtra that he will be staying with Vidur. Duryodhan is annoyed with Krishna for refusing their hospitality. Episode 65: Krishna goes to the court of Hastinapur and says, "Peach is a necessity. In war, people from both sides die, though only one side wins." He suggests that Indraprastha be give back to the Pandavas, but Duryodhan insists that the Pandavas must return to the forest. Krishna then suggests that five villages be given to the five Pandava brothers. Duryodhan finds the suggestion unacceptable and threatens to seize Krishna. Krishna discloses his divinity and leaves the court. Episode 66: Krishna’s peace mission has failed. Krishna goes to Kunti and tells her what has happened at the Court. He asks her if she has a message for her sons. "The time has come," she says, "for which a Kshatriya woman brings forth her sons." Before leaving for Uapplavya, Krishna meets with Karna and tells him to be true to Dharma and not to support sinful Duryodhan. Karna says, "You are right my Lord. A righteous man should not side with a sinner; but I am in debt of Duryodhan and cannot let him down." Episode 67: Vidur submits his resignation to Dhritrashtra. He is depressed by the inevitable war. Kunti worries about the battle to be fought between her sons, Karna and the Pandav brothers. She visits Karna and tells him the truth about his birth. Karna tells her he already know the truth, and he is happy to have his mother by his side. Kunti pleads with him to join the Pandavas, but he says, "I must fight with Arjun. I cannot abandon my promise to Duryodhan." Krishna reaches Upaplavya and tells the Pandavas that his attempt to stop the war has failed. The Pandavas prepare to battle. Episode 68: Yudhishthir holds a meeting and Dhristadymna, Draupadi’s brother, is appointed Supreme Commandar of the Pandav army. Drupad, Shikhandi, Bheem and the other prominent warriors take command of the various divisions. The stage is set for the Kurukshetra war. Vyas visits Dhritrashtra and offers to bestow divine eyesight unto him, but Dhritarashtra is reluctant to see the destruction of his sons. Vyas grants divine eyesight to Sanjay, Dhritrashtra’s charioteer. Episode 69: All the warriors except Balaram and Rukhmi (Rukmani’s brother) move towards the battlefield. Balaram remains neutral and both parties deny Rukhmi’s help. Duryodhan tricks Salya into joining the Kaurava army. Salya becomes Karna’s charioteer; though his blessings are with the Pandavas. Gandhari is unhappy that Shakuni and Karna encourage uryodhan to war against the Pandavas. She wants to seek Krishna’s help in protecting her sons, but Dhritrashtra stops her. Episode 70: Shikhandi, who was Amba in a previous life, is anxious for the Kurukshetra war because he wants to fight Bheeshma. Bheeshma had insulted Amba by refusing to marry her after he had abducted her. Amba swore to take revenge on Bheeshma, so she was reborn as Shikhandi, the elder brother of Draupadi. The opportunity for Amba’s revenge has come. Episode 71: Krishna tells Arjun to seek Goddess Durga’s blessings for winning the war. Arjun prays to the Goddess. She tells him, "Wherever there is righteousness there is Krishna, and wherever there is Krishna, there is victory." Krishna drives Arjun to the middle of the battlefield in his chariot. Arjun sees the men on the battlefield and tells Krishna, "Winning a kingdom after killine one’s own kin is too heavy a price to pay. I prefer to be a beggar if this is the price I have to pay for our throne." Episode 72: Arjun refuses to fight and kill his relatives and friends. Krishna tells him that "Atman (Soul) cannot be killed," and advises Arjun to be strong. Krishna’s teaching to Arjun at the battlefield form the basis of the "Bhagawad Gita" (the Song of God). Episode 73: On the battlefield of Kurukshetra, Krishna continues to talk to Arjun about the importance of following Dharma (Duty). He tells Arjun to equate pain with pleasure and profit with loss. He emphasizes the importance of selfless action without the desire to seek a reward for it. Episode 74: Krishna says to Arjun, "I am birth-less, and changeless. I am the Lord. I take birth through the power of my Maya." Unable to satisfy Arjun’s hopeless consciouce, Krishna grants divine eyesight to Arjun and stuns him with his "Viraat Roop" (divine manifestation). Arjun is consoled and enlightened. He understands that the pure seek the spirit while the impure are trapped in "Prakriti" (Matter). He agrees to do his duty selflessly, lifts his "Gandeev" and prepares to fight the Kauravas. Episode 75: The battle is about to begin, but Yudhishthir removes armor, puts down his weapons, and descends from his chariot. The Pandava and the Kaurava forces look with amazement as he proceeds on foot towards the Kaurava camp. Duryodhan brags that Yudhisthir is scared of his army’s strength. Duryodhan soon discovers that Yudhisthir is visiting the Kaurava camp to seek the benediction of the elders before starting the battle. After being blessed by the elders, Yudhisthir goes to the middle of the battlefield and announces that anyone who wants to change sides must do so now. Duryodhan’s stepbrother, Yuyutsu, crosses over the the Pandava camp and the battle begins. Episode 76: During the afternoon of the first day of battle, Abhimanyu attacks grandsire Bheeshma and brings down his chariot’s flag. The Kaurava warriors retaliat with a combined attack on the youthful warrior. Bheeshma’s chariot continues to create havoc and Duryodhan instructs all of his warriors to protect Bheeshma. The Pandav armyfares poorly. Yudhisthir worries, but Shikhadi consoles him by saying, "Righteousness will win eventually and we are on the side of righteousness." As the battle continues, Drona brings down Shristamyumna’s flag and Salya slays Uttar, the prince of Virat. Episode 77: The Pandava army had fared poorly during the first day of battle. Dhrishtadyumna, the commander-in-chief of the Pandavas, devises strategies to avoid a repetition of the first day. Bheeshma, Drona, Kripa and several other warriors shoot arrows at Arjun, but he preseveres and attacks Bheeshma’s chariot. Duryadhan’s men protect the grandise, but Arjun continues to fight. Bheeshma’s arrows hit Arjun and Krishna. Arjun retaliates and injures Bheeshma. Satyaki kills Bheeshma’s charioteer and Bheeshma’s horses are left unbridled. The horses run wildly and take Bheeshma away from the battlefield. The Pandavas return to their camp in great cheer. Episode 78: The Pandavas were faced with a problem, victory continued to elude them. They were blessed by Bheeshma to achieve victory, but they could only achieve victory after they killed Bheeshma and Bheeshma could not be killed unless he willed himself to die. Yudhisthir and Arjun go to Bheeshma and inform him of their predictament. Bheeshma tells them that only a woman could bring his death for he would not raise his hand against a woman. The Pandavas decided to use Shikhandi in their fight against Bheeshma and the stage is set for the fall of the grandsire from the battlefield. Episode 79: On the tenth day of battle, Arjun positions Shikhandi in front of him and attacks Bheeshma. As Arjun’s arrows pierce his body, Bheeshma smiles. Bheeshma’s shield is cut into pieces by Arjun’s arrows and he falls on the ground with Arjun’s arrows covering his body. Drona is made the new Commander-in-Chief of the Kaurav army, and Karna becomes a warior in the war. Episode 80: The Kaurav warriors sit in council and decide to have Drona capture Yudhisthir alive. Duryodhan says, "I will end the war as soon as Yudhisthir is in our hands." Drona agrees to the plan after Duryodhan promises that Yudhisthir would not be sentenced to death after he is captured. Episode 81: Drona decides to arrange his forces in a "Chakra-Vyuha" (Lotus formation), which is a battle arrangement that only Arjun can penetrate and emerge from. The Trigartha Chief Susarama is asked to assist the Kauravas in their plan to capture Yudhistir by luring Arjun so far away from the battlefield that it will be impossible for him to return before sunset. Episode 82: Yudhisthir learns about Drona’s plan to arrange the Kaurav forces in the Chakra-Vyuha. Unfortunately, Yudhistir cannot depend on Arjun for Susarama has lured him away from the battlefield, but Arjun’s son, Abhimanyu, offers his assistance. Abhimanyu succeeds in penetrating the Chakra-Vyuha but he gets trapped inside of it and is eventually killed. Episode 83: Arjun kills Susarma the Trigartha Chief and returns to the Pandava camp. He learns about Abhimanyu’s death and discovers that Jayadhrath was the main cause of his son’s death. Arjun vows to kill Jayadhrath before sunset the next day. Episode 84: On the battlefield Arjun tells Krishna to take his chariot to Jayadhrath. "There is a wall of Kaurav army between you and Jayadhrath," says Krishna. "I have to break that wall to complete my oath," declares Arjun. Krishna is amused. He remarks, "Members of the Royal House of Bharat are very impulsive. On the slightest pretext they take an oath. Bheeshma bound himself with an oath, and now you have taken an oath." Episode 85: Arjun vows to kill Jayadhrath before sunset to avenge the death of his son Abhimanyu. If he is unable to kill Jayadhrath before sunset, Arjun swears he will burn himself to death. Duryodhan has hidden Jayadhrath but with Krishna’s assistance, Arjun is able to discover his whereabouts and destroys him. Episode 86: Bheem and Hidimba’s mighty son, Ghatotkach, joins the Pandvas in the battle. Duryodhan realizes that Ghatotkach must be destroyed and encourages Karna to use his "Shakti" (divine weapon). Karna resists because he is saving the weapon to use against Arjun, but Duryodhan persuades him. Karna destroys Ghatotkach with his "Shakti". Episode 87: Drona spreads fear and destruction in the Pandava army. He seems invincible but Krishna tells Yudhistir and Arjun that Drona can be defeated. "If he were to hear that his son, Ashwathama is dead, he would lose interest in life and throw down his weapons", says Krishna. Yudhisthir consults Bheem who kills a huge elephant that was also named Ashwathama. Bheem roars, "I’ve killed Ashwathama". Drona hears his word and shouts back, "I will not take your word for it, let Yudhisthir say so." Yudhisthir repeats, "Ashwathama is dead" and then he mutters to himselkf, "Ashwathama, the elephant". Upon hearing Yudhishthir, Drona lays down his weapons and is killed. Episode 88: On the battlefield, Dushashan attacks Bheem with his arrows. Bheem remembers what Dushashan had done to Draupadi and the anger blazes within him. Bheem jumps from his chariot and attacks Dushashan. Bheem fulfills the oath he had made thirteen years agaon and kills Dushashan. Gandhari loses another one of her sons. Episode 89: As the sun rises in the sky the battle between Karna and Arjun begins. Karna sends a dazzling arrow, which spits fire towards Arjun. Krishna presess Arjun’ss chariot five fingers deep in the mud at the last minute, so that the shaft misses Arjun’s head and only strikes his crown. Arjun burns with anger, fixes and arrow on his bow and kills Karna. Episode 90: Kunti visits the battlefield in the middle of the night to grieve over the dead body of her son Karna. Yudhisthir finds her and learns that Karna was his brother. "Had I known, I wouldn’t have fought this war," says Yudhishthir. Arjun does also feel guilty about killing Karna but Krishna consoles him and convinces him that it was his "Dharma" (duty). The Pandavas plan to perform the last rites of Karna, but Duryodhan claims the body and lights Karna’s pyre by himself. Episode 91: The battle between Bheem and Duryodhan begins. The wariors appear equal in strength and skill, but Krishna informs Bheem that Duryodhan could be defeated if he smashes Duryodhan’s thights. Bheem leaps like a lioin and breaks Duryodhan’s thighs with his mace and defeats him. Episode 92: Duryodhan commands Ashwathama, the new commander-in-chief, to kill the Pandavas. Ashwathama, Kripacharya and Krit Verma arrive at the Pandava camp in the middle of the night as Dhristdyumna and Draupadi’s five sons are sleeping. They kill all the sleeping warriors and set fir to the camp. Believing that they have killed the Pandavas, they return to Duryodhan and discover that he has died. They light Duryodhan’s pyre, and go to save Vyas’s Ashram. The Pandavas find Ashwathama with Sage Vyas and take their revenge. Episode 93: The Kurukshetra war has ended. The Pandavas visit Dhritrashtra who coldly embraces Yudhishthira. Dhritarashtra then moves forward to embrace Bheem, but Krishna tells Bheem to put an iron statue in his place. Dhritarshtra hugs the iron statute and crushes it to pieces. Dhritrashtra repents, but Krishna tells him, "You have not killed Bheem, you have only crushed an iron statute". Dhritarshtra recomposes himself and blesses the Pandava princes. Episode 94: After the mourning period is over, Krishna leads Yudhishthir to the throne. Yudhishthir crowns Bheem the Yuvraj and appoints Vidur as the Prime Minister of Hastinapur. Arjun is made the commander of the army, Nakul is made Arjun’s assistant and Sahadev is made the personal protector of the King. After the affairs of the state are in order, Krishna takes the Pandava brothers to Bheeshma. Bheeshma gives them a discourse on Dharma and his soul leaves for the Heavens. 源:http://intelindia.com/takeout/mahabharat.htm |
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