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hanchuanzi 汉语心得记录网 2021-03-15 08:47:21 298

《Powerful》是一本由Patty McCord著作,ebook出版的图书,本书定价:73,页数:,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。


●Insightful and inspiring. 但是同时要结合硅谷的大环境和Netflix的公司阶段去理解。从一个创业者的角度讲,作者讲的东西也没有那么universal。


●骑行记录啊 奈飞文化每一条都不突兀,好多公司也许都说自己在做,但主要看是最后否真的在执行。

●We're sport team for wining, not family members for happy.

●奈飞在人力资源方面的几个颠覆性理念:1. 招进来的每一个员工都是有权力的 2.最吸引优秀员工的不是薪酬福利,而是工作本身,以及他们可以跟同样优秀的人一起共事 3. 最好的培训是给员工有挑战的工作任务,让员工在实际工作中学习和成长,一项任务做完了,对员工的培训也就结束了。 4. 人力资源的核心任务就是打造高绩效的企业文化,有了高绩效,才能吸引最优秀的人才,挽留住那些最优秀的员工。5. 在绩效管理方面,奈飞也不是像很多公司那样,每年进行一次年终评估和反馈,而是平时不定期进行反馈。奈飞的两个有代表性的文化准则:1. 信任和极端诚实(没有报销审批制度,领导力调研投票实名制)2. 完全沟通(让公司的每个员工都充分理解业务,随便问一位员工,公司近期最重要的几件事是什么。如果答不出来,则沟通还不够详尽。)


●赶在四月的尾巴完成了本月阅读计划。去年第一次读只是好奇奈飞“奇葩”的团队文化;这次review过程中逐渐带入目前实际工作中的案例和思考,尤其对“只招成年人”这一点很有共鸣。另外推荐书中提到的 “Coursera 如何与FB和Google争夺优秀人才” 一文,相信会对创业公司的招聘带来些许启发。

●国内按照这种标准 BAT 也招不够人(当然本来 BAT 的平均水平也未必高到哪去)。有些业务也许确实要堆人,有些业务加一堆不靠谱的人除了增加经理的 Scope 对团队生产力完全是负向的。一旦有幸和书中描述的这种自驱、主动、专业、自学能力强的人合作过(如沐春风),再和不靠谱的人合作绝对是巨大的痛苦...

●我之前对netflix的印象只有工资超高 竞争很激烈 一旦不行立马会被辞退。看完之后觉得很多点都还挺赞同的,随便说几点: 1. 决策层尽可能的透明 坦诚 公开化。员工都不傻 领导层不用成天光说好话 让大家觉得公司在朝一个积极的方向走。每个员工都应该了解公司的决策,才能像老板一样工作。 2. 员工之间有什么评论和感受 觉得对方可以做得更好 都可以直接说。manager觉得手下的人哪里需要改进 需要直接说 及时止损 而不是等到年终review的时候。 3. 比起年终奖 股票refresh 更能让人有动力努力工作的是和一群A Player在一起干有意义有挑战的事情。



作者基本是按照哲学的思维方式,一句话概括:A disciplined mind with radical honesty, and strong and fact-based opinion, will test all ideas and hypothesis rigorously.



这个月抽时间仔细的读了国内外所有跟Netflix企业文化有关的文章报道、刊物和书籍。 弄清楚了几点,这些是国内很多HR&创业导师没有提的:


2.Patty McCord是culture deck的参与者,公司的CEO和很多员工也参与其中。这个deck源于Reed Hasting写给面试的候选人供以了解公司的deck;

3.Netflix每年的year end review很简单,line manager的评判标准是如果这个员工要离职/要去竞争对手那里,你会不会留他。如果答案是不会,这个员工就要move on。Patty McCord离开的大背景是那年分拆后的股价大幅度下跌,然后Reed用这个方法evaluate自己的one down,发现有一个人他不会挽留了;

《Powerful》读后感(三):拿来主义虽好 可不要全部套用哦


读到Radical Honesty的时候,心里有点小小的质疑。这应该只符合Geek和Nerd的世界,对于人际关系复杂的企业,应该很难推行下去。






这本书也解释了为啥随时解雇雇员。虽然大多数公司都是at-will,即双方可以随时终止雇佣合同关系,但真正随时let you go,尤其这样白纸黑字写出来的公司并不多见。大多数公司多少有点缓冲期。比如亚麻臭名昭著的PIP。但Neflix认为,hiring和firing一直是公司对于你这个人和所在岗位的匹配度的考量。即便你干的很好,一旦你的岗位发生了变化,未来所要求的技能你并不能满足,也只能友好地跟你再见了。就像组建足球队一样,哪怕你是叱诧风云多年的大明星,只要战略战术有改,在可预见的未来你踢不了现在的位置了,也只能让你下场。运营公司不是养育家庭,这可是真金白银的商业社会。

这听起来很吓人,因为它讲了大实话。我看过太多公司高举着『welcome to the family』的大旗,该下手时依然决绝。我很欣赏Neflix的诚实,因为从公司方面和个人发展角度看,这都是一记响亮的耳光。那么问题来了:怎么知道你的岗位会不会发生变化呢?首先,一定会发生变化。第二,保持大局观。好好研究你们公司的P&L和org chart,经常和别的团队的人聊一聊,和公司外,行业内的人聊一聊。第三,stay limber,永远准备变化。

Stay limber太重要了。WFH以来我有时感到焦虑,毕竟跳槽到新公司没多久,还没认识多少人就在家办公了。少了茶水间走道里的social,我时常担心错过了高层的鼓点,自己的方向会有偏差。我老板如是回答我:正因为WFH,才更应该去和business partner经常沟通,不要错过任何一次earning call,眼观六路耳听八方。也正因为WFH,你有更多的时间去学习,保持竞争力,随时准备变化。这也未尝不是一件好事。


摘抄:The job of management: A business leader's job is to create great teams that do amazing work on timeExcellent colleagues, a clear purpose, and well-under-stood deliverables Ensure that communication flows both up and downEvery single employee needs to understand the business. The first step is to teach people how to read the company's P&LDebate vigorously: people's opinions should always be fact-based. However, fact-driven is not data-driven. Data doesn't have an option. People become overly wedded to data and too often consider it much too narrowly. removed from the wider business context. Data is the basis of good questions rather than the answer to the question. Build the company: you are building a team not raising a family. Stay limber, to keep learning new skills and to consider new opportunities. Successful sports teams are the best model to managers. They are constantly scouting for new talent and culling their current rosters. 3 fundamental tenets to talent-management philosophy: 1) the responsibility for hiring great people, and for determining whether someone should move on, rested primarily with managers. 2) for every job we tried to hire a person who would be a great fit, not just adequate. 3) finally, we would be willing to say good-bye to even very good people if their skills no longer matched the work we needed for.Making great hires is about making great matches. Market demand is still not adequate as a guide to the compensation we should offer, because it is of the current moment while hiring should be about the future. Separate performance review and compensation system.The best way for both companies and individuals to content with the fierce competitive dynamism of business today is to stay limber, to make sure they are developing the skills and gaining the experience required for future success.

《Powerful》读后感(五):Utopia in company hr management

Actually the book I wanted to find is 《Culture Deck》of the Netflix. I thought this is the paper version of this book, but I find out that I am wrong. This is the book from Netflix’s former HR director, Patty McCord. She is also the co-creator of NETFLIX Culture Deck.

There are a lot of new ideas or you can say views of how to do the people management in company. Likes you should let everyone in the company to know the exact business of it and how the business running. Or not everyone should be in the company forever. Or the salary should not be confidential.

I think these are somehow the main idea of the culture deck. I now understand why there is some voice from the internet about that most companies will dead if they try to follow the NETFLIX’s guidance. Because they are so anti-traditional in management.

age 8: “Our first big realization was that the remaining people were the highest performers, and it taught up that the best thing you can do for employees is hire only high performers wo work alongside them. It’s a perk(津贴) far better than foosball or free sushi or even a big signing bonus or the holy grail of stock stood deliverables: that’s the powerful combination.” When I first read this, I don’t understand why the writer keep mentioning that the money is not the key to motivate the employees. I can’t believe that one guy will keep high performance without fair pay. First I just thought it is the tricky issue for start-up company which we always called drawing a pancake. But when I read to Chapter 7, I was told that Netflix’s principle it to pay top of market. This means after you get enough paid, you will persuade somethings level higher. Like the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

age 15: “Telling people, ‘Here’s exactly where we are, and here’s what we’re trying to accomplish.’ The more time managers spend communicating and elaborating and being transparent about the job to be done, about the challenges the business is facing and the larger competitive context, the less important policies, approvals, and incentives are.” DK is the first company that achieves this in my career. Really appreciate it.

age 22: “Reportedly 78 percent of consumers have failed to complete a purchase or other transaction because of a poor service experience, and the costs to businesses in the United States have been estimated at $62 billion annually.” “Despite attempts to offer customer service through computer bots or preprogrammed FAQs or messaging systems, face-to-face or voice-to-voice service is far and away most effective” You should really consider about this when you do your CRM work. Ironic[aɪˈrɒnɪk] a.具有讽刺意味的

age 23: “As sports coaches will tell you, there’s no better way to learn how to perform than to be in the game.” I am now in the game of a start-up and try to create somehow a new CRM methodology. Let’s try to review 2 years later.

age 27: “How do you know when people are well enough informed? (Here is about the idea that everyone in the company should understand the running logic of the company’s business) Here’s my measure. If you stop any employee, at any level of the company, in the break room or the elevator and ask what are the five most important things the company is working on for the next six months, that person should be able to tell you, rapid fire, one, two, three, four, five, ideally using the same words you’ve used in your communications to the staff and, if they’re really good, in the same order. If not, the heartbeat isn’t strong enough yet.” I am sure most company can’t achieve this. Only the one who focuses on slogans like the 0.5% strategy in 2017 MT will try to make everyone clear about it, but only on the surface. They won’t tell how to achieve the 0.5% strategy or the logic in the back. They will also not discuss with you about the feedback and the GTC of the strategy. The idea of this chapter is that you should share the real logic and the goal of your business to all your employees.

age 43: “As a leader, you should model this, showing, not just telling, that you want people to speak up and that you can be told bad news directly and disagree with. Otherwise most people will never be truly open with you. A study by Deloitte showed that 70 percent of employees in a wide range of sectors ‘admit to remaining [rɪˈmeɪnɪŋ]a.仍需要做的;还需要处理的 silent about issues that might compromise[ˈkɒmprəmaɪz] v. 妥协;折中performance.” Will try my best to keep this in mind.

age 68: “Intense, open debate over business decisions is thrilling[ˈθrɪlɪŋ]a.惊险的;紧张的 for teams, and they will respond to the opportunity to engage in it by offering the very best of their analytical powers.” I don’t believe it could be used for the company which has Chinese background. Let’s wait and see.

age 72: “Discussing the military’s performance during the Iraq war, Donald Rumsfeld, the defense secretary at the time, famously said, ‘You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to have at a later time.’” “You’ve got to hire now the team you wish to have in the future.” This is a good idea for me to guide me at team hiring. High potential means nothing in some time, I mean the moment of your company when you need hire somebody for some position.

age 81: “When I consult to company leaders and their team managers, probably the most difficult advice for them to accept is that they don’t owe their people anything more than ensuring that the company is making a great product that serves the customer well and on time. They don’t owe people the chance to take on a role they’re not prepared for and don’t have the talents for.” This is so real, you will feed guilty sometimes. “Managers should not be expected to be career planners. In today’s fast-moving business environment, trying to play that role can be dangerous.” I am somehow a kind of this role. But I think I am more like a coach than a planner. I won’t tell team members how their career should be. I just let them think of it by themselves and share my experience and opinion with them. Provide the practice opportunities if I could create in company’s plan range.

age 85: “Sometimes people who were just right for an organization at a certain point and loved working for it are best off moving to a new organization with a similar set of challenges and environment. I told this engineer, ‘it’s okay. You don’t have to be part of it. You may be most happy in a fifty-person organization. Maybe that’s where you find your greatest joy.’” Quite like the D’s speech on 23th meeting Nov. about the leverage of the key employees.

age 87: “The ideal is for people to take charge of developing themselves; this drives optimal growth for both individuals and companies.” This is how I did and what I will keep doing.

age 108: “Retention is not a good measure of team-building success; having a great person in every single position on the team is the best measure.”

“Sometimes it’s important to let even people who have done a great job go in order to make space for high performers in new functions or with different skills.”

“Bonuses, stock options, high salaries, and even a clear path to promotion are not the strongest draw for high performers. The opportunity to work with teams of other high performers whom they’ll learn from and find it exhilarating to work with is by far the most powerful lure.”

age 113: “How much extra revenue might that great first choice be able to help produce? Might she be able to ensure that you beat out your competitor on the launch of a fabulous new search system, especially if she gets started now instead of three months down the road?” This could be a way which worth to try. For example: when you want to hire one to develop a new segment. You need evaluate that when and how much he/she could bring the revenue or numbers of customers in fixed time.

age 119: “They withhold the information(salary in confidential) partially because so many are following some below-top-of-market percentile rule, and they think their employees will feel they should be getting compensated at a higher overall market level. They also feel that specific individuals will react badly if they learn they’re making less than colleagues they perceive to be doing work of comparable value.” Seems it is a global solution for make the salary as confidential information.

age 127: “If you’re a manager who has no latitude [ˈlætɪtjuːd]n.维度;选择(做什么事或做事方式)的自由 to do away with annual reviews, then fine, but go ahead and start having the kinds of frequent one-on-one meetings with your people that Scotty Bowman described. This is both much more effective and more humane [hjuːˈmeɪn] 善良的; 仁慈的; 人道的 ” It is quite the same idea like Andy’s《High Output Management》. I still remember that in my former MNC experience, normally you need 2~3 months to prepare the annual review material for your boss. Especially in MT time, Mr.P is so care about this. It seems his work is only this yearly report.

age 134: “That commitment to achievement is what we want to foster, not the expectation that as long as you’re working hard, the company will have your back.”

“If I hire people to rebuild my garage, when they’re done I don’t need them to rebuild the back of my house.” It sounds sad, but reasonable. Most of us feel shake about this idea, maybe cause that we have a lot of state-own companies where you could spend your whole life in your career. Also the education or effect from our parents. In their times, government will take care of your career and life. What you need to do, is just follow.

